EMBED (EMployability BEyond Disability) aims to improve the employability of adults with physical disabilities in the IT sector.

It is designed to teach technical content in information technology (IT) and JavaScript, being accessible to people with physical disabilities. The goal of the game is to complete levels while solving small quizzes on programming and IT, promoting interactive learning.

Improve the skills of adults with physical disabilities to reduce their high unemployment rate and empower adult educators by providing them with concrete educational tools to teach adults with physical disabilities.

Serious Game, Employability, Coding, Disability

About the project

Our target audience:

  • Adult educators and partner organizations. These educators, by participating in the training sessions, will strengthen their ability to address the challenges related to the inclusion and employability of adults with physical disabilities.
  • Adults with physical impairment. These disabilities, whether temporary or permanent, limit a person’s physical ability and/or mobility, preventing them from performing independent activities such as walking or heavy lifting.

Outcomes from the project:

  • Physical Accessibility. 86% of participants reported no difficulty playing the game due to their physical disabilities, indicating that the game’s current accessibility features were largely effective.
  • Overall Rating. 71% of participants gave the game a rating of 4 out of 5.
