Space Crew
An effective and successful implementation of ÜConsole that has allowed several team building groups to experiment with innovative ways of doing group even remotely.
Usable for both one-shot sessions and customizable in all its phases creating a unique experience each time as for example was done with SNAM where it was the winning project for experimentation in the OpenInnovation Call.
By creating a fun environment where a team can be safely put under pressure, people can challenge and surpass their own limitations.
Team building, Zoom games, Space themed, 3D Art

The game
“Ladies and gentlemen, take your seats, the game is about to begin.
Together you are about to board the spaceship Echo V to embark on a journey that will take you to Ithaca, a new world away from earth”.
In this special mission, no one is the captain and cooperation is essential for survival. Each player will have a series of tasks to accomplish in sequence, the problem. You will need to enlist the help of your teammates to complete it. Finding together the best way to do it will be part of the experience.